What does your business need?

What's your next step?




Skills Training


Peer Group

  • Get organized

  • Diagnose Pain

  • Stop the Bleed

  • Manage Risk

  • Start a Plan

  • Measure your Success

Hi, I'm Sara

As an experienced Growth Strategist, certified Business Coach, and former Business Broker, I help small business owners to figure out where they are in their business today and what they need to do next.

It's business diagnostic and coaching to organize, priortize, manage risk with a clear path to follow for growth, exit and everything inbetween.

I get it. I was an entrepreneur first. Yes, some lessons were harder than others. There are so many things I learned on exit that I wish I knew earlier.


There is NO fluff in this program. I am sharing the lessons learned, tools, growth strategies, and my AI Adoption roadmaps. I am also opening a space to create a community of peer support so you are not in it alone, either.

Time to take an inventory,

what do you have?

How long has it been since you thought about where you are doing well? What's not working, and what can you do better?

Time to challenge your thinking.
Ask yourself REAL questions.

What's on Fire?

Ready for a Reality Check?
Download the self-assessment

Set aside 20 minutes with your favorite pen and a coffee in a quiet spot. Start the conversation from a different perspective.

Just having this discussion is good for your business. Share it with your advisors, mentors, peers and talk about your business.

Stop hiring a consultant to do this for you.

You know your business better than anyone.

Do it every year, compare your results.

"The program was just what I had hoped. It forced me to peek into corners, ask hard questions and think about things differently. As a result, I have a new way of thinking and a new planning process"

- Lynn Colepaugh, Cyber PR Army

So, What's your next business move?

What others have said about working with Sara...

Scott Harrigan

Owner, Glorope Canada Inc.

"Working with Sara was an excellent and invaluable experience. Formulating and then implementing a clear and concise strategic plan for both short term and long. She helped me thoroughly take stock of where my company was and where it was going."

Jennifer Boyne

Designer, Owner,
J.Boyne Western Wear

"Sara has provided me with the tools I needed to keep my business on track. She encouraged me to set goals, not only for monthly or long term, but daily as well."

Kim Scaravelli

Owner, Trust Communications, Managing Partner,
The Canadian Diversity Initiative, Best Selling Author -
Making Words Work

“I was working hard but it felt like I was spinning in circles instead of moving forward. Sara looked objectively at my goals and my tactics and worked with me to create a strategy that brought everything into alignment."

Final Word.... if you are hanging on the fence as to whether this is for you.

Think about this:

If you are in business.... you are in growth.

If you are in transition... you are exiting your business one way or another.

You have the SAME need.

In my experince, there has to be some foundational questions asked to prepare the business for the next move.

I'm sharing my proven framework to get you started.

You will:

  1. Put your issues and opportunities in front of you, with added structure and best practices as a checklist to follow.

  2. Learn to diagnose your pain and create a plan to correct course

  3. Build your One Spot Strategy and Leadership knowledge center to help you keep on track of everything.

Start your plan, increase your business value and be prepared for whatever Life and Business throw at you.

Level up your entrepreneurial game.

Learn what you don't know - yet, and talk about it.

Copyright 2024 . All rights reserved


Site: www.evalu8-evolve.com